Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder that occurs in the later years of life. People with Alzheimer’s develop progressive loss of memory and gradually lose the ability to function and
Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder that occurs in the later years of life. People with Alzheimer’s develop progressive loss of memory and gradually lose the ability to function and
Allergies are responses mounted by the immune system to a particular food, inhalant (airborne substance), or chemical. In popular terminology, the terms “allergies” and “sensitivities” are often used to mean
To get a good understanding of being a vegetarian, vegetarian food, and cooking, it will help to learn about the origins of Vegetarianism. Vegetarianism can be traced back to ancient
Are you looking for juicing tips? Are you trying to find a way to make juicing seem less intimidating? If so, the feeling is common. Here you will find healthy
Vitamins are chemical compounds the body cannot make itself and that must therefore be supplied. Besides fat, carbohydrates, proteins (amino acids), minerals and trace elements, we must ingest these with
Did you read the latest headline or here the latest TV commercial on weight loss? Surely, you know now you can lose five pounds overnight and still eat everything you
People choose to eat organic and live an organic lifestyle for a variety of reasons. Common reasons include: According to the Organic Facts website, organic food provides four direct health
As consumer concerns regarding the content of their food, food packaging, and household items continue to rise, the organic market share continues to grow. The International Food Information Council Foundation’s
There are literally hundreds of hazardous chemicals in food and food packaging. A recent study, “Food contact substances and chemicals of concern: A comparison of inventories,” published in the scientific
Items carrying an organic label are naturally produced and minimally processed. Foods and products labelled as organic are produced using sustainable agricultural and production practices, which minimize negative impacts on